Pololu Zumo Robot Kit for Arduino V1.2 (No Motors)

This combination deal contains most of the parts you need to build an Arduino-controlled Zumo robot. It consists of a Zumo Shield for Arduino, a Zumo chassis kit, and a Zumo blade. (Motors and batteries not included).

AUD$ 87.95

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Supplier Link: [Pololu MPN:2509]


Kit Contents

Note: The motors are not included in this kit. See the Zumo Chassis Kit page for motor selection.

Pololu Zumo chassis kit components


Zumo Shield for Arduino and included hardware


Basic sumo blade for Zumo chassis



Please see the specific pages for those products for more information about them, assembly instructions, and links to related resources.

Assembled Zumo robot with a Zumo Shield, Arduino Uno, and Zumo blade


Required Accessories (not included)

Two micro metal gearmotors. These gearmotors are available in several power options and a wide variety of gear ratios, allowing for a customizable combination of torque and speed. The Zumo Shield can deliver enough power for all of the micro metal gearmotors we carry, including the high-power (HP) versions. Note that some gear ratios are better suited for the Zumo than others; please see the Zumo chassis kit product page for specific motor suggestions.

Four AA batteries. The Zumo chassis works with both alkaline and NiMH batteries, though we recommend rechargeable NiMH cells.

An Arduino. The Zumo Shield works with both the Uno and the Leonardo. It is not compatible with the Arduino Mega or Due, but it can be used with older Arduinos that have the same form factor as the Uno, such as the Duemilanove.

Optional Accessories

  • Pololu Zumo reflectance sensor array
    . A special infrared sensor designed for line following and edge detection.
  • Battery charger for charging the Zumo’s battery’s through the Zumo Shield’s 2-pin charge port. Note that you only need a battery charger if you plan on powering the Zumo with rechargeable cells, and that charger should be capable of charging 4 NiMH cells in series. Alternatively, since the Zumo just uses ordinary AA batteries, you can use AA chargers (into which you stick the individual cells) available at most general electronics stores.
  • QTR-1RC sensors. There is room to plug up to five of these sensors into the front expansion area of the Zumo Shield for edge detection or line following.
  • Optical rangefinders for obstacle/opponent detection.
  • Connectors (headers, jumper wires, etc) for adding more sensors.


Documentation and other information

 Pololu Zumo Shield for Arduino User’s Guide (Printable PDF: zumo_shield_for_arduino.pdf)

User’s manual for the Pololu Zumo Shield for Arduino.

File downloads

Zumo Shield for Arduino, v1.2 schematic diagram (449k pdf)
Printable schematic diagram for the Pololu Zumo Shield for Arduino, v1.2
Zumo Shield front expansion pinout (552k pdf)
Texas Instruments DRV8835 motor driver datasheet (1MB pdf)
LSM303D datasheet (1MB pdf)
Datasheet for the ST LSM303D 3D accelerometer and 3D magnetometer module.
L3GD20H datasheet (3MB pdf)
Datasheet for the ST L3GD20H three-axis digital-output gyroscope.

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