Force-Sensing Resistor - 0.5" / 12.7mm Circle

This force-sensing resistor (FSR) from Interlink Electronics is a passive component that exhibits a decrease in resistance when there is an increase in the force applied to the 0.5" / 12.7mm active area, allowing you to create a sensor that is able to detect force or pressure. It can sense an applied force ranging from a few dozen grams to over 10 kg (22 lb).

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This force-sensing resistor (FSR) from Interlink Electronics is a passive component that acts as a variable resistor, with resistance decreasing in response to increasing applied force, which makes it easy to add a touch interface to your project or create a robot with much more sophisticated tactile senses than are possible with simple lever switches. The polymer thick film (PFT) device is optimized for use in human touch control of electronic devices and can sense an applied force anywhere in the active area ranging from a few dozen grams to over 10 kg (22 lb).

In testing, the resistance exceeded 1 MΩ with no applied pressure and ranged from around 100 kΩ to a few hundred Ohms as finger pressure varied from light (a few dozen grams) to heavy (pressing as hard as possible). The resistance is very stable when the pressure is fixed, and the readings are very repeatable (there are no problems with hysteresis). This resistance range is well suited to work directly with the internal pull-ups of many microcontrollers such as AVRs and PICs. The FSR was responsive enough and sensitive enough to distinctly pick up light, rapid finger tap, and it was even able to pick up the vibrations of a small vibration motor placed on it on the motor’s side.

The 0.72"-diameter circular pad is flexible, light (0.25 g), and extremely thin (0.02"), and it has a circular active sensing area with a diameter of 0.5". It does not appreciably compress when pressure is applied. The FSR has a masked adhesive backing for easy mounting, and the 1.2" flexible male leads give you a convenient way to integrate the part into your project. The two leads have a 0.1" spacing, which means they are compatible with most solderless breadboards and perfboards, though the solder tabs are too short to work well with many 0.1" connectors.

Note that this FSR is not a load cell or strain gauge, and it is not suitable for precision measurements. While it can be used for dynamic measurement, only qualitative results are generally attainable. Force accuracy ranges from 5% to 25% depending on a number of factors, and the resolution is better than 0.5% of the full range. Please see the datasheet (1MB pdf) for more information, including force-vs-resistance curves, integration notes, usage tips, and suggested electrical circuits.

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