Tamiya 70100 Track and Wheel Set

The Tamiya 70100 Track and Wheel Set allows for a large degree of adjustability and creativity in designing your own robot. The set includes a variety of track lengths, sprockets, and wheels that are compatible with multiple Tamiya products.

AUD$ 13.95

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The Tamiya 70100 Track and Wheel Set is designed to be used in conjunction with multiple Tamiya products. You can use a Tamiya Universal Plate Set for mounting the wheel and sprocket shafts and a Tamiya gearbox to drive the sprockets. The varying track length, sprocket, and wheel sizes allow for flexibility when designing your own robot.

Included Parts

  • Two 30-link tracks
  • Four ten-link tracks
  • Four eight-link tracks
  • Two large drive sprockets
  • Two small drive sprockets
  • Two idler wheels
  • Six large road wheels
  • Ten small road wheels
  • Twelve wheel caps
  • Five 3 x 100 mm round shafts
  • One 3 x 100 mm hexagonal shaft
  • Ten 3 x 21 mm tapping screws

Example Set Up

Use the Track and Wheel Set in combination with the Tamiya Universal Plate Set and the Twin-Motor Gearbox Kit to make a tank-style robot chassis.

Tank-style chassis built using the Tamiya 70100 Track and Wheel Set, Tamiya 70098 Universal Plate Set, and Tamiya 70097 Twin-Motor Gearbox Kit .


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