Dagu Rover 5 Tracked Chassis with Encoders - 4 Wheel Drive

The strongly made Rover 5 tracked chassis from Dagu Electronics is an excellent base for tank style robots. A unique design allows the tread height to be adjusted for extra clearance. Independant motors for each wheel include quadrature encoders for precise control. This version has 4 motors with encoders - one motor per wheel.

AUD$ 147.95

In stock in Australia  

Shipping from $16.80

Our Code: MEC-30093

Supplier Link: [SparkFun MPN:ROB-10336 ]


 Rover 5 is a new breed of tracked robot chassis designed specifically for students and hobbyist. Unlike conventional tracked chassis’s the clearance can be adjusted by rotating the gearboxes in 5-degree increments. “Stretchy” rubber treads maintain tension as the clearance is raised.

Each gearbox has an 87:1 ratio includes an optical quadrature encoder that gives 1000 pulses over 3 revolutions of the output shaft. The chassis can be upgraded to include four motors and encoders making it ideal for mecanum wheels.


Inside of the chassis are 4 noise suppression coils at the bottom and a battery holder that accepts 6x AA batteries. It is recommended to use NiMh batteries as they last longer and have a higher current output than Alkaline batteries.

Spare tracks are available here

Expanding the chassis

The RP5 expansion plates from Pololu are also compatible with the Rover chassis. Both wide and narrow plates fit giving lots of space to add things on top.

Rover 5 with Pololu expansion plate and Orangutan Controller


We also stock the Dagu 4 Channel Motor controller that was designed for use with the Rover 5






Motor rated voltage: 7.2V
Motor stall current: 2.5A
Output shaft stall torque: 10Kg/cm
Gearbox ratio: 86.8:1
Encoder type: Quadrature
Encoder resolution: 1000 state changes per 3 wheel rotations
Speed: 1Km/hr ~25 cm / second


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