Devantech Enhanced USB to ISS adaptor / communications module

The USB-ISS module is a new enhanced version of Devantech's low cost USB-I2c module. The USB-ISS is able to connect to I2C, SPI and Serial buses as well as Digital I/O and Analog inputs. Powered from the USB cable the adaptor supplies 5v @ 70mA and operates as an I2C master. Works with Windows CE/98/XP/Vista/7, Apple Mac OS8/9/X and Linux.

AUD$ 42.95

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The USB-ISS  Multifunction USB Communications Module provides a complete interface between your PC and the I2C bus, SPI bus, a Serial port and general purpose Analogue Input or Digital I/O. The module is powered from the USB. Operating voltage is selectable between 3.3v and 5v. and can supply up to 80mA at 5v for external circuitry from a standard 100mA USB port.

Excellent for testing and configuring I2C, SPI or serial devices from your PC or just hooking up extra gadgets to your computer. Note that the module is a I2C master only, not a slave.

Here's the USB-ISS adaptor with a SRF08 attached.

Works with our 6ft USB A to B cable 



Manufacturers technical data and test software - see for full specifications


FTDI FT232R USB Chip Drivers


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