If you have ever wanted to get into FPGAs but never knew where to begin, the Alchitry Au FPGA kit from SparkFun provides you with the boards you need to get started! Included in this kit is the Alchitry Au, Alchitry Io Element, Alchitry Br Prototype, and a 4-pack of female headers.
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If you have ever wanted to get into FPGAs but never knew where to begin, the Alchitry Au FPGA kit from SparkFun provides you with the boards you need to get started! Included in this kit is the Alchitry Au, Alchitry Io Element, Alchitry Br Prototype, and a 4-pack of female headers. The only thing you'll need to supply are a USB-C cable to power and program the Au and Qwiic cables to add I2C accessory integration.
The Alchitry Au, included in this kit, features a Xilinx Artix 7 XC7A35T-1C FPGA with over 33,000 logic cells and 256MB of DDR3 RAM. The Au offers 102 3.3V logic level IO pins, 20 of which can be switched to 1.8V; Nine differential analogue inputs; Eight general purpose LEDs; a 100MHz on-board clock that can be manipulated internally by the FPGA; a USB-C connector to configure and power the board; and a USB to serial interface for data transfer. To make getting started even easier, all Alchitry boards have full Lucid support, a built in library of useful components to use in your project, and a debugger!
Thanks to the included Io and Br Element boards also included in this kit, you will also have access to 7-segment LEDs, five momentary push buttons, 24 basic LEDs, and 24 DIP switches, a the broken out header pins, and a large prototyping area!