(Picaxe Electronic Bread Board Layout Emulator)
PEBBLE is a virtual breadboard to help you layout PICAXE related circuits and share them with others. It is developed by WestAust55 and is based on Ray Wilson's Virtual Breadboard concept.
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Using the programPEBBLE is a web browser based program and can be run in two ways: 1) You can download the PEBBLE files to your hard drive and open from there. This is preferred and faster. Current Version: 2) You can run PEBBLE online here at Robot Gear.
Getting HelpNote: Robot Gear does not provide technical support for PEBBLE. Please see the details below for getting help.
For help and assistance with PEBBLE please see this PICAXE forum thread http://www.picaxeforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=12629 More details on printing and IE security issues are provided on the PICAXE forum thread within the first post as well as within the PEBBLE program package. |
3.1e 29 October 2016
Fixed problem where Load/Save function failed when 1-span wire links were included.
Added 90 degree bends to the 1-Spare wire links range to improve routing flexibility.
Expanded the localisation translations for Czech and Spannish languages
3.1d 5 Sept 2016
Split the "ProtoBrd" group into two - One for 1-Span wire lines and second for strip cuts and other edits
Added a new "Floating" group similar to the "Notes" which can hold components/items that will not be locked to the grid for positioning
Some icons on the floating menu repositioned
3.1c 24 Aug 2016
Fixed bug where some terminal group items did not show the correct image on first selection if user selected wrong # of pins (but would on re-entering properties window)
Fixed bug where selection area for IC's extended 1 row below the bottom of the image
Added 0.0 Ohm resistor option and altered gold band shading (so less like yellow) for values < 1.0 Ohms
Added vertical stereo programming sockets suitable for soldering to end of strip boards
Modified the new Strip/Prototyping board parts/edits ("ProtoBrd" group) dialog box to provide added selections for 1-span pre-defined links.
Added under the "ProtoBrd" group:
- Three variants of insulated 1-span cross over wires with various wire colour options
- A 2-hole wide x 10 hole high blank mask for use primarily at left side of strip boards as off-board area
- A 2-hole high x 6 hole wide blank mask for use primarily at top side of strip boards as off-board area
- Options for bare and insulated 1-span wire links originating from a hole with and without small spot-face cut
- 1-Span wires can now go in any one of 16 nominal directions from any hole
- 1-Span offset wire links can now be placed to left or right and above/below relative any row of holes
3.1b 16 Aug 2016
Fixed bug for wires where a copied wire did not copy across all the parameters for insulated wire ends
Fixed bug to correctly display the AXE029 module when selected for the 28/40 pin PICAXE parts
Localisation file for Castellano (Spanish) included (courtesy of PICAXE forum member Sedeap)
Increased the range of permissible sizes for the General Strip board. Now 6 to 50 holes wide and 10 to 71 holes high.
Added Datak 12-600B Proto-Board
Added LV8549MC SOIC Dual H-Bridge (suit smaller stepper motors and simple motor controllers)
Added two new transistor orientations with the legs all vertically orientated (best for strip/proto board work)
Added two new sizes to Notes as "Micro Tag" and "Medium Note"
Added vertical boxed 2 row 5-way headers (as often used with ribbon cable IDC type connectors/sockets) to terminal group
Added spring terminals having 2.54mm centres with 2 to 10 way options
Added spring terminals having 5.0 mm centres with 2 and 3 way options (seemingly not available in larger sizes)
Added standard PICAXE stereo type programming socket with socket to left and right (for strip board projects)
Added single LiPo AA battery cells in horizontal and vertical orientations (positive to left / up)
Added components to the new "ProtoBrd" Group:
Added new "Group" on the floating menu for Strip/Prototyping board parts/edits ("ProtoBrd" group)
- Inter-hole track cut
- Small spot face cut over hole
- Large spot face cut over hole
- Resistor (bare) lead extension for horizontal and vertical resistors
- Small spot/dot (red colour) to indicate when a hole is blocked/occuplied from reverse side
- Added 6mm Pan-head bolt in horizontal and vertical orientation as dummy AA cell positive terminal
- Bare wire link orientated straight N-S
- Bare wire link orientated straight NE-SW
- Bare wire link orientated straight E-W
- Bare wire link orientated straight NW-SE
- Bare wire segment aligned straight N-S and offset between holes
- Bare wire segment aligned straight E-W and offset between holes
- Bare wire link orientated NE from hole and then bent up
- Bare wire link orientated NE from hole and then bent right
- Bare wire link orientated SE from hole and then bent right
- Bare wire link orientated SE from hole and then bent down
- Bare wire link orientated SW from hole and then bent down
- Bare wire link orientated SW from hole and then down left
- Bare wire link orientated NW from hole and then bent left
- Bare wire link orientated NW from hole and then down up
- Moved the "X" symbol for track cut from "Miscellaneous" group to the "ProtoBrd" group
(deprecated in Miscellaneous group - no longer in menu list but still works from old project saves/listings)
3.1a 01 Jan 2014
Added 20 x 10 "Finger Proto-Board
Added MAX7219 8-digit 7-seg LED driver
Added PT6961 6-dig 12-seg LED driver
Added WS2801 3-Channel LED driver
Added WS2803 18-Channel LED driver (DIP and SOP formats)
Added Radio Shack 276-159 Breakout Board - as a component under the miscellaneous (LDR) group
3.1 27 Aug 2011
Added code to permit language localisation with auto locale detection - user may need to add their language file
localisation file for Czech included
localisation file for French (Francais) included
Added PICAXE 08M2
Added PICAXE 14M2
Added PICAXE 20M2
Added 74HC138 - 3 to 8 Decoder with Active Low outputs
Added 74HC238 - 3 to 8 Decoder with Active High outputs
3.0i 6 Feb 2011
Added 74HC4051 8-channel Analogue Switch IC == CD4051
Added 74HC4052 Dual 2-channel Analogue Switch IC == CD4052
Added 74HC4051 Triple 2-channel Analogue Switch IC == CD4053
Added SY4090 MOS Relay HFS2 series in DIP6 package to IC group
Added ceramic capacitor selection to capacitor range
3.0h 27 Dec 2010
Corrected outline for SAA1064 to be 0.6 inch wide (not 0.3 inch wide)
Added Speakjet - the Magnevation speech and sound synthesiser chip
Added an "NC" image under misc component set for No Connection indication
Added small tactile momentary switch under the DIP Switch group
Added large tactile momentary switch under the DIP Switch group
Added Jaycar HP9556 Mini Proto Board
Added Jaycar HP9558 Large Proto Board
Added Jaycar HP9540 Small Strip Board 95 x 76 mm
Added Jaycar HP9540 Small Strip Board 95 x 152 mm
Added Jaycar HP9540 Small Strip Board 95 x 303 mm
3.0g 22 Oct 2010
Altered dialog boxes to reduce overall size and make visually more akin to WinXP
Added a 'Select All' function button to the Load/Save Dialog box for ease of selecting all text to Save
3.0f 18 Oct 2010
Added new stripboard feature for user size selection from 10 to 43 holes wide and 10 to 71 holes high
Fixed a bug with component vertical positioning when the top side off-board area is enabled.