Prototyping Boards, Breadboards

Prototyping Boards and Breadboards

Experiment with a new electronics project using these breadboards and prototyping boards.

Breadboards are a small rectangular plastic boards with a series of holes arranged in rows. Each row is connected underneath along the length of the board so that connections are made between components inserted anywhere on the same row. Some breadboards also include special rows on each side that are used as power rails.

Prototyping boards are have interconnected holes like a breadboard although components are soldered in to make a more permanent circuit. Some prototype boards are purpose made to extend boards like the Arduino Uno as a prototype shield.


SparkFun Big Red Box Proto Board

Code: SKU-002141

The SparkFun Big Red Box Proto Board is a large, custom made PCB that has been specifically designed to be used with and installed into our Big Red Box . This board features a large prototyping area with exactly 1,488 solder points (yes, we counted).

$ 13.95

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SparkFun Snappable Protoboard

Code: SKU-002116

Sometimes it’s nice to have a protoboard that’s super long and skinny, super small, or just a bunch of holes. The SparkFun Snappable Protoboard is a large PCB crisscrossed with v-scored lines so that you can choose just how long and wide you need your custom protoboard to be.

$ 13.95

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SparkFun Solder-able Breadboard - Large

Code: SKU-001804

This is the Large SparkFun Solder-able Breadboard. A bare PCB that is the exact size as our full-size breadboard with the same connections to pins and power rails.

$ 15.95

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Shipping from $7.90

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