Plastic Ball Caster (3-Pack)

This plastic roller ball is a great third contact point for a small, differential-drive robot. They are sold in packs of three .

Not currently available

Our Code: SKU-002349

Supplier Link: [Pololu MPN:174]


Plastic Ball Caster total height in inches

Example of small robot chassis with a press-fit plastic ball caster

This small roller is a perfect third point for a small, differential drive robot. Using a ball castor provides better performance than just having a part of the robot scrape the ground. And, unlike regular castor wheels, a ball castor will not override your drive motors and steer your robot off course. This unit is made entirely of plastic and is therefore very light. To mount the ball castor, just drill a 0.390" hole in your chassis and push in the roller.

We also offer a line of Pololu ball casters and the Tamiya ball castor. This castor is sold in threes.


How many Ball Castor Trios do I buy if I want, for example, 10 ball casters?
The Ball Castor Trio is a set of three of our plastic ball casters. If you need 10 ball casters, you should buy four Ball Castor Trios (you would receive a total of 12 ball casters).
What type of load can this ball castor handle?
This is an inexpensive plastic ball castor meant for use with small science projects or small indoor robots. It has no bearings and will stop rolling if there is too much weight applied. This castor is not meant for industrial use and is not rated for any specific load, but it might be able to roll while supporting a few ounces (a pound is probably too much). If in doubt, please give them a try and see if they will work for your application.