The SparkFun Infrared IR Control Kit is designed to allow you to control things you create using the well tested and simple approach of infrared remote control just like TV's. The kit includes the transmitter and receiver components for integration into a microcontroller base project.
The transmitter includes four directional buttons as well as an option 'select' button, power and three 'do something' buttons labelled A, B and C. You can put your own sticker on the top of the remote to give more user guidance.
In the kit there are two infrared receivers, resistors and some IR LED's in case you have something else that needs to do some controlling autonomously.
The kit can be used to control microcontrollers like Arduino or you can use the included infrared diodes and receivers to communicate between Arduinos.
You just don't need lots of buttons. This is silly!
<- Not the included remote!
The kit includes: